The amusing colorful cast that makes up the Griswolds and their extended family sets the stage for some hilarious banter and one-liners from Clark. Why is the carpet all wet. Christmas Vacation Quote Signs National Lampoon Christmas Vacation Holiday Movie Lover Gift Gag Gift Hostess Housewarming Gift Griswold Family Christmas Lampoons Christmas Christmas Vacation Quotes Clark Griswold Quotes Well Im gonna park the cars and check the luggage and well Ill be outside for the season. Vacation Griswold Quotes . After driving off the road Ellen Griswold. Ellen Griswold Quotes in National Lampoons Vacation 1983 Share. If he keeps it up it WILL be his last Christmas. I think Dodge City was enough fun for one day. Ellen Griswold is used to calling Clark as Sparky. Clark I think that it would be best for everybody if they all just went homebefore things get any worse. These Clark Griswold quotes are from The National Lampoon Series. Ellen Griswold has made appearances in Nat...